Saturday, January 17, 2009

Economics Summit

i attended the economics summit a while ago. i wasn't able to hear the speeches of the speakers because i was busy fixing and preparing stuff out side the venue. i went to different places just to get some things.

it was a very tiring day, but it was all worth it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


i've been doing a lot of papers for the past 30 days of my life. i was doing my english and lit paper during the christmas break. when the classes resumed, i found out that i would be doing more papers.

i think you have to be in a certain mood to be able to write a paper about a specific topic. unfortunately now, i am in not in the right mood to do all the papers. sadly,i can't do anything because i am required to submit all those stuff.

oh well!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


i haven't had the opportunity to have a "good" sleep. i've been trying really hard to get a good sleep but i have not yet had any luck.

my head's a mess right now but i still have to go to school everyday. and i have to do lots of school related stuff.

i am hoping for a better sleep later and a better day tomorrow, though i'm not counting much on it because of all the things that may/will happen tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Merry christmas to everyone. enjoy the holidays. and BE HAPPY!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Welcome Backs

i am so amazed and amused because my sister, who's in Qatar, and my friend, who's in Malaysia are coming here.

my sister will arrive on Saturday, December 13.

my friend will arrive on Tuesday, December 16.

i hope i'll be able to spend time with them.


i was able to answer a math porblem a while ago. it's somehow a big deal(for me) since i have no idea what my teacher was talking about(i really can't understand our lesson now). i think it's pure luck. it's not even a test, but i'm still happy i got the correct answer.

i hope i will also be able to answer the problems on our long test next week.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Math Problems

this is not just about finding x, or looking for the derivatives of some functions.

i got a low score in our long test. i passed, but i got a low score.

and i am now really confused with our math lessons. i really can't understand the lessons.

and i know i have to step it up if i still want to be in "the game". but it's just hard.