Monday, October 1, 2007

End of September, Start of October

2 DVDs added

based from the title, it could be assumed that i bought 2 new DVDs. but because my work is keeping me busy, i can't finish watching the DVDs.

i want to watch everything now, but i'm having a hard time doing that. i try to watch the DVDs everytime there's a chance. i think, i will finish the DVDs during the weekend--or next week. i may have a busy schedule this weekend.

One Classmate Leaving

On October 20, one classmate of mine will be leaving for Canada.

The Month of Rosary

October is the month of Rosary. this is also the month when we are required to wear october medals. it becomes part of our uniform.

One of a Kind Dinner

Last saturday, i ate a 16oz blizzard from dairy queen. that's all i had for dinner. i didn't eat anything else. added trivia: i ate ice cream three times that day. breakfast(yes, breakfast), snacks, and dinner.


Anonymous said...

i love DQ. i always buy when i get the chance to. pero medyo konti na lang branches nila.. :/


on a commanding note..

you~! start eating right! para lumaki-laki ka naman! haha

Anonymous said...

Ice cream, 3 times in one day. There are cheaper ways to commit suicide rather than giving yourself diabetes. You shouldn't eat to much ice cream... When I'm in DQ, i like ordering butterfingers plus M&Ms. What did you order?