Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One Sad Episode

another video!

it's a sad episode with one castaway leaving the show due to his leg condition. in one challenge, jonathan penner got injured(leg). medical care was given to him, and his wounds received stitches. i thought everything was fine, but in this episode, the medic encouraged jonathan to leave the game. it was a sad and touching moment seeing the other tribe members crying for jonathan's departure.

jonathan was, as he said, "kicking ass" there. it's somehow a waste since he already had his strategies and alliances.

chet also left the game. he convinced his tribe members to vote him off. see how the other fans, tracy and erik, plus ami convince chet to vote out ozzy.

and i was also amazed by airai's strategy in the immunity challenge. and see how parvati fell when she almost made it to the platform. (they still won)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the first time in the little that i know about Survivor that someone left because of an Injury. That sucks.

I can't view the video anymore, i guess youtube took it out.