Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Goodbye Pao

one of my good friends left the Philippines already(Pao). he left early this morning. even worse, i wasn't able to go to the airport to bid goodbye to him. i know we will not see each other for a very long time.

he's one of the nicest people I've met. he was really a good friend, and a great companion. i hope we'll see each other soon. (we made an agreement to go to japan after 5 years.)

i call him daddy twin brother: daddy because we had this activity in school where he became my father, and twin brother because we went to a mall and a stranger said we were like twins.

this may sound wrong, but i think i literally cried myself to sleep last night. i was really down last night. i was kind of shocked that tears just started to fall. i don't usually cry. in fact, it's really difficult for me to cry. i get teary eyed easily but i don't cry easily. so i was shocked that tears started to fall from my eyes.(really weird) sorry people!! really sorry!

i remembered all the memories. we did a lot of crazy stuff. i even remembered the time our computer teacher reprimanded us for being not too quiet. i remembered a lot of things.

and just a few days from now i will say goodbye to another friend. he will go to Malaysia. it's just near from our country but the fact is he will still be away.

i just don't like saying goodbye to people. it's really hard.

i'm just happy that i got to spend time with them.

i think i need to stop here. there are a lot of things i want to say but i think i must stop here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Twins?!? Wow!
Anyway, atleast nakasama mo nga.

Wala na akong ibang masasabi.