Thursday, June 12, 2008

Filipino Botanist

i was helping my cousin with her research work and i found out about a filipino botanist.

the topic of the research paper's botany and she was asked to research about a filipino botanist.

and here's what i found.

his name's Eduardo Quisumbing

(taken from wikipedia)He earned his BSA at University of the Philippines Los Baños in 1918, his MS at the University of the Philippines Los Baños in 1921, and Ph. D. in Plant Taxonomy, Systematics and Morphology at the University of Chicago in 1923.

From 1920-26 he was attached to the College of Agriculture in U.P., and from 1926-28 to the University of California; in 1928 appointed Systematic Botanist and since February 1934 Acting Chief of the Natural Museum Division of the Bureau of Science, Manila, now Director of the National Museum. When assigned to the U.S. Navy in Guiuau, at the southern tip of Samar, made collections in that region. He retired as Director in November 1961, and was for some following years attached to the Araneta University. Dr. Quisumbing undertook restoration of the Herbarium which was completely destroyed during the war.

Dr. Quisumbing was author of taxonomic and morphological papers, many of which deal with orchids, including ‘Medicinal plants in the Philippines’ (Manila 1951). Saccolabium quisumbingii has been named in his honour. He was recipient of the Distinguished Service Star (1954) for outstanding contribution to the field of systematic botany; Diploma of Merit on Orchidology and Fellow Gold Medal, Malaysian Orchid Society (1966); Gold Medal, American Orchid Society and 1975 PhilAAS Most Outstanding Award.

(taken form:

Eduardo Quisumbing - Filipino Botanist:

Filipino botanist, Eduardo Quisumbing was a noted expert in the medicinal plants of the Philippines. He was author of more than 129 scientific articles. many on orchids. Eduardo Quisumbing served as the Director of the National Museum of the Philippines, where he rebuilt the Herbarium. The plant "saccolabium quisumbingii" is named in honor of Eduardo Quisumbing.

Eduardo Quisumbing - Degrees:
BSA at University of the Philippines Los Baños - 1918
MS at the University of the Philippines Los Baños - 1921
Ph. D. at University of Chicago (Plant Taxonomy, Systematics and Morphology) - 1923
Eduardo Quisumbing - Awards:
1954 - Distinguished Service Star for outstanding contribution to the field of systematic botany
1966 - Diploma of Merit on Orchidology
1966 - Fellow Gold Medal from the Malaysian Orchid Society
1975 - PhilAAS Most Outstanding Award


Anonymous said...

Woah! Kilala k to, a. Ito yata ang prinisent naming Noypi scientist dati sa school! Coolness

Anonymous said...

Yey! another Filipino scientist! baka magingganito si Sagas sa future

Anonymous said...

uy i love it at u know this is my topic

Anonymous said...

taga STC ba siya?

Anonymous said...

hi everybody

just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.