Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone.

have a blessed new year.

and be careful!!

Amazing Race

i was able to watch "Amazing Race Asia" and i enjoyed watching it. it was my first time to see the show(yes, it's the first time).

i really had fun watching the show, and watching the contenders.

i liked the challenges, and the race itself.

the sad part, the Japanese pair(daichi and sawaka) was eliminated.


i went to my aunt's house/business place last saturday. the plan was, we would only stay there until sunday afternoon. but things changed. i just got back.

but i somehow enjoyed my stay there. i was able to see my relatives. i became a math tutor there--HAHAHA!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Series

i spent the whole day yesterday watching "The Series"(not the real title) haha.

i bought this dvd for the simple reason that one "person" would have a small part in this series. i found out that this "small part" would only last 46.6 seconds. WOW!! small part = small part.

but the story is good.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Happy Birthday!!

it's the birthday of my aunt today.

Nothing happened so i have nothing to write here.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

merry christmas to everyone. be happy this season.

i had a good time last night. we didn't have time to prepare but it was still a celebration.

i had a good time even though we were not complete. i was able to talk to my sister anyway.



there were 9 new comments when i logged in. (YEHEY!!!!)

everytime i see a new comment, i get excited for some reason. i like reading comments.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Play and Travel


my friends will be playing paintball. i will not be able to join them since i am here in bicol.

but there's always another time. another time to play and enjoy.


my sister is in london now. she sent a message to my mom and my mom told us. i think she's liking the place.

i also want to travel the world.

Christmas Celebration

Merry Christmas People.

it's now time to celebrate again the birth of Jesus Christ.

i have no idea what will happen in our Christmas celebration.

someone told me that people often forget the real essence and meaning of christmas. this person said it out of nowhere. i just wanted to share this.


i am now in bicol. i haven't slept. (during the trip, i was able to sleep--only 2 hours.)

the first thing i did after getting in the house was to watch DVD. i brought the laptop just to make sure i will still be able to watch.

then i went out. i went to the mall together with my mom, brothers, and other relatives. it was quite an interesting day.

Friday, December 21, 2007


i am leaving tonight. i will go to bicol.

i will be spending my christmas and new year there. every year we got there to celebrate.

it is possible that i may not be able to update my blog for the next days. but i will still try to create posts.

Hanging Out

i spent the last two nights with my classmates. since there's little time left, i want to take every opportunity to hang out with them.


last Thursday, we had our Christmas party(school/class). some parents were there.

(side story

my father was not there. he forgot about the Christmas party and went to some place.)

we went to a classmate's house after the class Christmas party.

The Next Night

last night, my classmate(Nico) had a gig. he's the guitarist of a band. the band played two songs. we left after their performance. but we didn't go home yet.

Going Home

gab and i had a hard time looking for a cab. it took us more than 30 minutes. but the advantage of this was we were able to talk about a lot of things.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


i just went through a great adventure.

Topher, Pao, and I went to Gateway. pao needed to buy something. pao needs to be back by 6. but we still ate, and played, and etc. it was already 6:15 when we left(LATE).

we had a hard time finding a cab. i was really panicking.

i consider it a great adventure for the simple reason that it was a thrilling adventure for me.

more posts to come(maybe tomorrow)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Good Luck To Me

i hope i will do well tomorrow. you all know what i mean. (the DANCE)

our teacher asked us to write 10 reasons why we would be happy this week. i had a hard time ansering for the simple reason that he asked us to think about only this week.

i might share my answers someday. NOT TODAY!! hahaha

i am in a hurry now, so this post will be a short one.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


we rehearsed the dance routine a while ago.

on tuesday, we will present the dance routine. i am nervous but also excited. this will be my first "public performance."

Thursday, December 13, 2007


i saw this interesting movie yesterday.

it was an action film. and i liked the cinematography(i am not really sure if this is the correct word, but i guess it is).

it was an asian film about revenge(i think). and it was good. it was over 2 hours but it was worth watching. i slept late just to finish the movie.

i researched about this particular movie, and i found out that the movie didn't do well in terms of box-office.

one thing i liked about the movie is it's storyline/plot. i don't now if it is common, but the plot caught my interest.

there was a man(let's call him person A) searching for his twin brother(person B). on the night they finally saw each other, person B was shot and killed. person A decided to live the life of his brother. person B was a policeman. while living person B's life, person A also uncovered the truth about person B's killers. he decided to take revenge.

and i will stop here.

Involving Myself In Different Things

i am excited

as of this moment i am part of 6(or 5) contests.

tomorrow we will have the fun run, and other contests. i think tomorrow will be a tiring day. but i know i will somehow enjoy. even our teacher will run tomorrow. i hope i will finish the course in less than 10(or 15) minutes.

a while ago we rehearsed for the dance contest.

i think it is getting pretty exciting. i have one classmate who can really dance. he even has the moves that can entertain the audience.

i don't know why, but people think i am in charge of "one contest"(i have no plans of writing the correct name of the contest). :D

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


i was chosen, and required, to be one of the members of the group which will compete in a dance contest in our school. we rehearsed a while ago, and we made progress.

we are not yet done with the steps. we will practice again tomorrow or on thursday.

i also participated in decorating the "christmas tree." it was not a real christmas tree. it was a tree that would represent "Tahanang Walang Hagdan." i am not sure if that's the right name/organization.

i am now trying to memorize a song. at first i thought i would have a hard time. but i was wrong. not that i already memorized the song. it's just that i felt different after listening to it.

tomorrow will be a tiring day. the top 10 runners will run 12 laps around the oval/track. yes, 12 laps. i am not even sure if i can do it.

i already got my card. (no details)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Missed It

last december 8, my sister was here in manila. sad thing was--i didn't have the chance to see her.

she arrived december 8 and left on the 9th, after lunch.

i was on a retreat last saturday. but i was still thankful because my teacher allowed me to use my mobile phone to call her up. she didn't answer though. my teacher said that i could try later that night. i was able to contact her that time. we talked but it was a short conversation because i had to go for an activity--for the retreat still.

the next day, i got out of the retreat place earlier than the others because i had to take the USTET. again, i called up my sister. my sister was home that time, but she was about to leave already. she had to prepare for her flight. bottom line, i really didn't see her.

i wanted to see her but i failed to see her.

i will just wait for her to visit again. :D

but still i am very thankful that my teacher allowed me to contact her. the rule was--all gadgets will only be returned to us on the last day of the retreat.

The Visit

i went to the hospital today. i visited Man Man--he's the classmate i wrote about on my last post. he had dengue.

he's fine now, and i am happy to know that. a lot of people were worried about him. in fact, a lot of my calssmates went to the hospital yesterday. i had to take the USTET so i wasn't able to go yesterday.

he said that he will be out of the hospital by wednesday. but i am not sure if he will go back to school the next day. he needs to rest anyway.

i also found out that every time he had a nosebleed, it would take 30 minutes for the bleeding to stop.

his platelet count is still 20.

he also hasn't eaten a full meal since tuesday last week.

but he's fine now.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Welcome Back To The Outside World

i just came back from our retreat.

i enjoyed the retreat(except for some parts)

we were always full. we were always eating. and i am thankful for that. i brought food but i didn't eat any of it.

i wanted to finish the retreat but i must take the USTET. i wanted to stay.


the first night i was making palancas for my classmates. i was writing til 12:30. i decided to sleep because i thought my roommate was having a hard time sleeping because of the light(he was not disturbed by the light, he simply couldn't sleep). i still didn;t finish writing the letters.

every time we had a break, i would go the room and write. i was still not able to finish all the letters.

and i also like the times when i talk to other people. it was supposed to be a silent retreat, but we were only silent when someone's around.

in the middle of the retreat, our guidance teacher announced that one of our classmates was "in danger." she said that his platelet count was 20--the normal is 150. we were all shocked; coincidentally, that was the most (if not the only) quiet moment throughout our retreat.

i will continue to write things here tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Really Short

i saw a man lying on the street. i wasn't sure if he was still alive or if he's already dead. he met an accident--I'm guessing he was riding a motorcycle when the accident happened since there was a motorcycle almost beside him.

i didn't get to see how he looked, or what his condition was. all i saw was a man lying beside the side walk, near the gate of our school.

a lot of people were looking, watching the police as they attended to the man. i saw an ambulance and a police car.

i just thought that our lives could end anytime.

we really don't know when death will come to us.

we must enjoy life. live life to the fullest as others say. life can really be short.

Tiring Day

Fun Run??

my legs are killing me. after 2 days of "training" for the fun run(which is a "competition-contest" run) my legs began to hurt. but i am starting to feel fine now.

Preparing for the party

i bought everything i(and my partner..... and another pair) will need tomorrow. i bought paper plates, plastic cups, spoons, and forks. i also bought three bottles of soft drinks(1.5 liter). i also bought gifts for my TD kids.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


i bought something today. i will use it during the retreat. and i hope people will not say anything bad about it.

side story:when i bought my jacket, some people had a violent reaction. their reason was valid though. it was not because the jacket was ugly, or anything. they just thought that it was expensive.

i did my project defense today. i was so nervous. i had no intention to read my whole speech, but i did anyway. i couldn't even look at the class. i just hope i get a good grade for that.

i prepared index cards for my defense so i can say that i was prepared for this.

Monday, December 3, 2007


i don't know what to do anymore. i still don't know what course to take in UST.

the last day of submission of application forms is on December 8--i am on a retreat by that time. the last day for taking the test will be on December 9, i will still be on the retreat.

Christmas In Our Hearts

on Thursday, we will have our TD Christmas party. i am very excited.

we will present something for the kids--we will perform a song for them. YEHEY!!!

we will sing "Christmas in our hearts" by Jose Mari Chan. a while ago, we already performed in front of our TD teacher, and we got the highest grade. (yes, i am proud of this achievement.) i do not like performing though. i get nervous and i literally shake.

here's the lyrics

Whenever I see girls and boys
selling lanterns on the streets
i remember the Childin the manger as He sleeps
wherever there are peoplegiving gifts, exchanging cards
i believe that Christmas
is truly in their hearts

Let’s light our Christmas trees
for a bright tomorrow
where nations are at peace
and all are one in God

Let’s sing Merry Christmas
and a happy holiday
this season,
may we never forget
the love we have for Jesus
let Him be the One to guide us
as another new year starts
and may the spirit of Christmas
be always in our hearts

In every prayer and every song
the community unites
celebrating the birth
of our Savior, Jesus Christ

let love, like that starlight
on that first Christmas morn
lead us back to the manger
where Christ the Child was born

So, come let us rejoice
come and sing a Christmas carol
with one big joyful voice
proclaim the name of the Lord!

[repeat chorus 2x]

Be always in our hearts

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Just Got Back

the Internet connection at home is experiencing technical difficulties. that's the reason why it's not easy for me to create new posts.

i just came back from "THE TRIP"!!!! i really enjoyed and i wanted to stay longer. however, "all good things must come to an end." (i don't know if the quote is right)

i do not like people taking pictures of me(and i also don't take pictures of myself) but i took a lot of pictures--me and everyone else. i wanted to have "souvenirs" so i took pictures. I'll post the pictures some other time.

to tell you the truth, my body hurts. haha.

we played billiards, table tennis and Frisbee. we swam early in the morning(in my perspective, it was still early morning. we also sang--i sang 4-5 songs!! haha. i brought food, but i only ate some of them--there were so many activities. and the parents of my classmate brought food too-----the baked mac's GREAT.

we will have our retreat--December 7-9. but the problem is, my sister will arrive on December 8. by December 9 pm, my sister will not be here anymore. this means i won't see my sister this time.

i was invited to a "Black and White" party. it will be on December 8. this means i will not be able to attend because of the retreat.