Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Free Ride

i met up with my sister a while ago since it's her last day here. then when she decided to go home, she asked me if i would ride a cab. i told her i would take the train.

but i couldn't seem to find the right exit. i asked the guards but all of them kept pointing to different directions. one even told me the directions to reach a dead end. after some time, i felt tired after all the walking i did. i decided to take a cab in the end.

i was on the cab line when a lady recognized my uniform. she said her children are studying in the same school. during the conversation, she asked me where i was going to. after some chatting, we both fell silent.

after some time, she suggested that we both ride the same cab, since she would pass the same direction. so i agreed. she was really a nice lady. we talked a little more in the cab. when i arrived in my destination, i tried giving her money for the cab ride, but she didn't want to take it. i asked her not only once, but she really didn't want to accept it. so i thanked her. i mean i am really grateful for her kindness and generosity.

while walking to the cab line, i was worrying about the money i would spend for the cab. i don;t have much money now because of all the projects and stuff, so i got worried i would be spending a huge amount again. luckily this lady came. she was an "angel in disguise". i got home safely without spending. :D

to the very kind lady a while ago(there's a little chance she would read this, but i'll say it anyway), thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

Angel in Disguise, familiar line. hmmm...

It's really amusing how people can quickly differentiate us using our uniforms and how you got to converse with a person you don't really know.

One time, our car suddenly stopped in the middle of nowhere. I was already late for school. One of the passers-by saw my uniform and offered a ride, she was a freshman in the college. I was lucky.

Anonymous said...

wow, nakakatulong talaga ang "uniform" lalo na sa oras ng pangangailangan. :P sana hanggang college may uniform. kidding. :))