Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Over (Finally And Sadly)

finally it's over!! three days of hell = periodical exams.

tuesday = english and religion

wednesday = physics

thursday = filipino and math

i don't have to study anymore. i don't have to read who discovered what. i don't have to solve for "x". i don't have to memorize all the details. i will not do these things anymore(at least for the next three months). i will be school-related-stress-free!!!(which is a good thing, i guess)

i don't have to pressure myself to absorb everything my teachers say.

it's time to leave my high school life and move on to the next level.

sadly, it's over!!

sad because i am not sure if i will see all of my classmates in the future. some of them are moving out of the country, some of them will go to another university, some of them, i don't know.

it's sad to leave since i know i'll miss everyone. i had a great three years with them.

good luck to all of us. SEE YOU IN THE FUTURE!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last 3 days of hell then the last 3 months before college.

I don't want it to end yet. I'll just hide the fact that we will all be separated by planning as much things together before i have to...

Anyway, I know a lot of people who are "senti" at this time.