Friday, February 22, 2008


i watched a concert 2 fridays ago, featuring amateur bands. it was for the benefit of an organization--charity work. i supported it since it would feature the band of my friends. it would be their first performance and i didn't want to miss it.

i was told that they would be the last. i had no way of going home so i got worried. i was left with two options: leave the place and miss the first performance of my friends, or to stay and worry about the going home part later.

i wanted to see them perform so i stayed. i just contacted a cab driver and asked him if he could fetch me. he said yes.

i enjoyed the concert and it was worth the risk of not being able to go home. hahaha!!!

going home part.

the cab driver didn't know where the place was so i called him and asked him to just fetch me in a certain place. but i ran out of load. a classmate of mine offered his phone so i could call the cab driver again. but i couldn't contact him anymore. my classmates were asking me how i would go home. some of them offered a ride, which i really appreciated.

then someone said he could drop me off at the place. so i was able to get there.

but the cab wasn't there and i already needed to go home. my dad was already looking for me. so i rode a different cab. i got home around 1:30 am.

after getting home, i called the driver to say sorry. and his first concern was if i got home already. and he said that every thing's fine as long as i got home safe. he didn't get mad or anything, he just made sure i got home safe.

the cab driver and my classmates were really kond. and i am very grateful for their kindness and concern. i am very lucky since i know them--- wonderful people.


Anonymous said...

" was worth the risk of not being able to go home."
Nice!!! Hahaha
They're are so nice! Especially the Cab driver.
Anyway, People with Drivers sure are lucky. The Chance hat i could go to something like that and go home past whatever curfew would be around o.o1%.

Anyway, I wanna go to a Concert.

Anonymous said...

martee really went wild there, or so i heard. i wasn't there. too busy getting things done for more.. ehem.. selfish concerns.

you see, that's what you get when you're just always so nice and you're always smiling. it starts affecting people. and you get back what you've given us. quite a nice way to live, i think. :D you know me, i believe strongly in karma. ;)

leave me a message once you've read this, i'm gonna show you something. (nothing dubious, promise)

Anonymous said...

it's because you're so nice yourself that people are nice to you as well. don't you ever change, okay? promise me that much!