Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Game VS Passion
i wasn't able to watch the entire game because i was busy watching stuff in the Internet and talking to a friend. the main idea of the whole conversation is finding my passion.
it all started will the bowling tournament. i told him everyone was good and he said something about they should because they are passionate about it(something like that). then i realized that after 18 years of existence here on earth, i still haven't found my passion. he said i have until graduation to figure out what my passion is. so i still have three and a half years to figure things out.
there are many things i want to do in my life. but i still don't now what my real passion is.
my friend also said that i still i don't have to worry about it YET!! but if i still fail to figure it out after three years, then i should start worrying. (I'm already worried.)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Something New
since it's sembreak, my sister asked me if i wanted to go to Qatar. i said yes. so i fixed some stuff and within the next two days after the arrangements, i was in a plane going to Qatar. it's really kinda surreal. it seems like everything happened so fast. i didn't even have a passport a week ago. (yes this is the first time i went somewhere far from the Philippines.)2 days after i got my passport, i found myself here.
the flight was nine hours. i slept for two hours. i watched Home Alone, half of The Happening, first part of Hancock, one episode of Friends, the first part of the last episode of House M.D. season 4, played Battleship, and Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
i was looking outside while the plane was landing, and i noticed something. i was thinking this place was 70-80% sand. but after i got out of the airport, it was different.
my first day here is really surreal. it was 11:00 am here when i arrived. my sister was there to welcome me to Doha, Qatar. then we went to a Thai restaurant(and the only thing i know about in Thailand is PAULA TAYLOR, and Natasha Monks--amazing race Asia contestants.)then we went here--her friend's house--because i will be staying here throughout my stay here. then we went to her place, then to another friend's place, then to a mall where we ate dinner and watched a MOVIE...
MOVIE--i was asleep during the first part of the movie. it wasn't because of jet lag or something, i think it's the total lack of sleep. the movie started 11:30 PM. a few minutes after i sat, i was off to dreamland. then i was sent back to the real world and i saw that the movie had already started--i didn't even see the trailers. the title of the movie was Taken. it's an action/thriller movie.
we went home after the movie. we got home around 2 am and by 3 am i was off again to dreamland.
we went to another mall. it's called the Villaggio. it's a cool mall. it's like a kingdom. they also have this man-made river where you can ride a boat. maybe i'll try that next time we go there.
we only did two things there: Shop and Eat
i am already on my third day here. i'm kinda stuck here because my sister is in the office right now so i'm here making a semi-long blog post which i haven't done in a looooooong time. we'll go somewhere later. i'm not really sure where.
i haven't seen much of Qatar. honestly the only sites i've seen so far are construction sites. :D but i still have a few more days here, and i'm looking forward to seeing different places.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bad News
joshua dropped katee during their contemporary routine--hometown glory by adele. in this video, you can actually see the "falling" part. if you haven't seen the real performance, i don't think you'll be able to distinguish if it was an accident or a part of the routine.
i think most of the dance routines on the tour has katee in it. so if katee will not perform anymore, the line-up of the dance routines will have some big changes.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Step Up 3
i am already excited for step up 3. it's entitled "Step Up 3: Don't Stop" (if i'm not mistaken.) i am not even sure about this because i read it somewhere that it's still there.
if there will be a step up 3, i'll be sure to watch it on its opening day. YEAH!!
and i got a call from someone today. if everything goes right, one of my plans for this break will push through. i hope to god this "thing' happens!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Robert Hoffman's Prank
it features Robert Hoffman(star of Step-Up 2:The Streets) in a convenience store.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Survivor Gabon
The Seminar
the theme of the seminar was survivor, one of my favorite TV shows. :D
it wasn't all fun. we did some work too. plans were presented and evaluations were done.
but the activities were more enjoyable. :D i participated in most of the activities. i really enjoyed the eating challenge. each team had 8 members. five members must eat three bananas without using their hands. two will eat a whole pack of ChocNut. the last person must drink 1.5L of water. i was one of the two who ate ChocNut. i think i did pretty good there.
i also got to take home the "tribe" flag that we did. (i really didn't do much to the flag but i got it anyway. haha)
we also did the spider web game. each person must go to the other side of the web without touching the stings. it was difficult, but still fun. the objective of the activity was to promote team work. we were all able to cross and we successfully finished the challenge.
we also played different card games. i learned one new game and it was weird. "play to learn"--that's what they told me. there are rules to this game--they just didn't tell me. i had to play to find out what the rules are. it's very interesting.
i also invented a new sport there. it's the water soccer. we played soccer while on the pool. the ball floats on water, so we tried to play soccer there. it was a crazy idea but i had fun.
i even learned new stuff there.
the seminar was a fun, exciting experience for me.
Monday, October 13, 2008
i haven't prepared anything. clothes, food, other necessities. i must not forget to bring my toothbrush. hahaha.
for three days and two nights, i will be somewhere in Antipolo.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
It's Vacation
the last few weeks of the first semester were intense. all the projects and tests were present.
but now, i gotta enjoy the whole month. one full month without a single homework to do. i hope something really interesting and new will happen this break.
"10 (More) Reasons You're Not Rich"
i got this article from!
10 (More) Reasons You're Not Rich
by Jeffrey StrainWednesday, October 1, 2008provided by
Many people assume they aren't rich because they don't earn enough money. If I only earned a little more, I could save and invest better, they say.
The problem with that theory is they were probably making exactly the same argument before their last several raises. Becoming a millionaire has less to do with how much you make, it's how you treat money in your daily life.
The list of reasons you may not be rich doesn't end at 10. Caring what your neighbors think, not being patient, having bad habits, not having goals, not being prepared, trying to make a quick buck, relying on others to handle your money, investing in things you don't understand, being financially afraid and ignoring your finances.
Here are 10 more possible reasons you aren't rich:
You care what your car looks like: A car is a means of transportation to get from one place to another, but many people don't view it that way. Instead, they consider it a reflection of themselves and spend money every two years or so to impress others instead of driving the car for its entire useful life and investing the money saved.
You feel entitlement: If you believe you deserve to live a certain lifestyle, have certain things and spend a certain amount before you have earned to live that way, you will have to borrow money. That large chunk of debt will keep you from building wealth.
You lack diversification: There is a reason one of the oldest pieces of financial advice is to not keep all your eggs in a single basket. Having a diversified investment portfolio makes it much less likely that wealth will suddenly disappear.
You started too late: The magic of compound interest works best over long periods of time. If you find you're always saying there will be time to save and invest in a couple more years, you'll wake up one day to find retirement is just around the corner and there is still nothing in your retirement account.
You don't do what you enjoy: While your job doesn't necessarily need to be your dream job, you need to enjoy it. If you choose a job you don't like just for the money, you'll likely spend all that extra cash trying to relieve the stress of doing work you hate.
You don't like to learn: You may have assumed that once you graduated from college, there was no need to study or learn. That attitude might be enough to get you your first job or keep you employed, but it will never make you rich. A willingness to learn to improve your career and finances are essential if you want to eventually become wealthy.
You buy things you don't use: Take a look around your house, in the closets, basement, attic and garage and see if there are a lot of things you haven't used in the past year. If there are, chances are that all those things you purchased were wasted money that could have been used to increase your net worth.
You don't understand value: You buy things for any number of reasons besides the value that the purchase brings to you. This is not limited to those who feel the need to buy the most expensive items, but can also apply to those who always purchase the cheapest goods. Rarely are either the best value, and it's only when you learn to purchase good value that you have money left over to invest for your future.
Your house is too big: When you buy a house that is bigger than you can afford or need, you end up spending extra money on longer debt payments, increased taxes, higher upkeep and more things to fill it. Some people will try to argue that the increased value of the house makes it a good investment, but the truth is that unless you are willing to downgrade your living standards, which most people are not, it will never be a liquid asset or money that you can ever use and enjoy.
You fail to take advantage of opportunities: There has probably been more than one occasion where you heard about someone who has made it big and thought to yourself, "I could have thought of that." There are plenty of opportunities if you have the will and determination to keep your eyes open.
Copyrighted, TheStreet.Com. All rights reserved.
Goodbye School. Hello Sembreak.
maybe i'll stop worrying this time. i'll just hope for the best!!!
i am really hoping that things will go well now. i have plans this sembreak, and i hope i won't be disappointed.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Eagle Eye
i really like the part where the cops were chasing jerry and rachel. that was the most exciting part of the whole movie.
taken from
The film begins with the armed forces getting a lead on a suspected terrorist. As the man is a recluse, getting a positive ID proves difficult, and the system recommends that the mission be aborted. The fact that he is apparently attending a funeral makes those present all the more nervous. The Secretary of Defense (Michael Chiklis) agrees with the abort recommendation, but the President orders the mission be carried out anyway. This turns into a political backlash when all those killed turn out to be civilians, and retaliatory bombings are carried out in response.
Following the funeral of his successful twin brother, Ethan, Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) returns home to find his apartment filled with a large amount of weapons, explosives, and forged documents. He receives a phone call from an unknown woman, who explains that the FBI are about to apprehend him in thirty seconds and that he must escape. Not believing her, he is caught by the FBI, led by Agent Thomas Morgan (Billy Bob Thornton) and Air Force Office of Special Investigations Special Agent Zoe Perez (Rosario Dawson). The unknown woman arranges Jerry's escape and has him join up with single mother Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan). Holloman is being coerced into helping by the woman, who threatens to kill her son, Sam, a trumpet player on his way to Washington, D.C. from Chicago for a band recital.
The woman helps the pair to avoid the police and FBI units, demonstrating the ability to remotely control virtually any networked device, such as traffic lights, cell phones, and even automated cranes. While Jerry and Rachel follow her instructions, the woman has a crystal explosive made into a necklace and its sound-based trigger placed inside Sam's trumpet. Jerry and Rachel are led to Washington, D.C. through various means. Along the way, they are introduced to the woman, who is actually a top secret super-computer called ARIA tasked with gathering intelligence from all over the world. ARIA, the overtaken computer, can control virtually anything electronic to that end. In light of the mistake made by the President at the beginning of the film, ARIA has decided that the executive branch is a threat to the public good and must be eliminated. She has decided to leave the Secretary of Defense, who agreed with her recommendation to abort, as the successor to the presidency. She does not reveal this to Jerry or Rachel, merely explaining that she is trying to help the people of the United States.
At the Pentagon, where ARIA is housed, Agent Perez discovers that Ethan worked as a technician for the computer and locked it down to prevent ARIA from carrying out her plan. Perez warns the Secretary of Defense and they discuss the situation in a sealed room to prevent ARIA from hearing their conversation. Jerry and Rachel arrive at the Pentagon and are led to the super computer, where ARIA forces Jerry to impersonate Ethan and use an override code allowing her to go ahead with the plan. Following this, Rachel had been instructed by ARIA to eliminate Jerry so that he would not be able to lock the computer down as Ethan had, but she cannot bring herself to kill him. Jerry and Rachel split up and Jerry is caught by Agent Morgan, who, having been warned by Agent Perez, believes him and takes him to the United States Capitol. On their way, however, ARIA sends a MQ-9_Reaper UCAV after them. Agent Morgan sacrifices himself to destroy the craft and save Jerry.
Meanwhile, Agent Perez returns to the super computer and is successful in destroying it, but not before ARIA uploads roughly a quarter of her memory to another location. Rachel is given the explosive necklace and sent to watch the President's speech. Sam's class, whose recital has been moved from the Kennedy Center to the Capitol for the President's State of the Union Address, begins to play. The trigger that will set off the explosive necklace is set to activate when Sam plays a high F on his trumpet corresponding to the word "free" in the last verse of the U.S. national anthem. Jerry fires Morgan's pistol into the air, stopping the performance and emptying the room, but provoking a Secret Service agent to shoot him in the shoulder.
In the aftermath of the chaos ARIA caused, the Secretary of Defense urges that another super computer should not be built. Ethan posthumously receives the Medal of Honor while Jerry, injured but alive and well, receives the Congressional Gold Medal. The film ends with Jerry attending Sam's birthday party. Rachel thanks him for attending and kisses him on the cheek. She then tells Jerry that she is glad that he is there. After a second of silence, Jerry tells her, "Me too," and the film ends.v
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What A Night(Til Morning)
but before we even got there, some things happened. we met at around 4, ate lunch(yes lunch at 4 weee). but he had to go to another place so i had to explore Sm Sta. Mesa by myself. i ate dinner there too(spent money again haha). and i also bought candies weee!!
then i met up with my Friend again, but we didn't go to their house yet. we explored his neighborhood a little bit. I've been to their house before, but it never saw the other parts of their place.
then the moment arrived. i started to do my paper. did some research, read some books, all these while talking with my Friends on the net. hahaha. i think i spent more time chatting that doing my paper.
suddenly my sister was online. then we talked. i was about to go back to doing my paper when my friend, who's in the US now went online. so i did my paper while talking to him. then i realized something. it was already 4 am. my friend was already awake by that time. i wasn't sleepy yet, so i decided to watch Naruto with my friend. i fell asleep while watching.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Bye Bye
Things we did while he's here.
rock band
went to the bonfire
bought some stuff in the mall
went to his father's birthday barty
watched Gab's play
watched Eagle Eye
and i can't remember the other things