Sunday, October 26, 2008

Something New

i left the Philippines to see something new.

since it's sembreak, my sister asked me if i wanted to go to Qatar. i said yes. so i fixed some stuff and within the next two days after the arrangements, i was in a plane going to Qatar. it's really kinda surreal. it seems like everything happened so fast. i didn't even have a passport a week ago. (yes this is the first time i went somewhere far from the Philippines.)2 days after i got my passport, i found myself here.

the flight was nine hours. i slept for two hours. i watched Home Alone, half of The Happening, first part of Hancock, one episode of Friends, the first part of the last episode of House M.D. season 4, played Battleship, and Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

i was looking outside while the plane was landing, and i noticed something. i was thinking this place was 70-80% sand. but after i got out of the airport, it was different.


my first day here is really surreal. it was 11:00 am here when i arrived. my sister was there to welcome me to Doha, Qatar. then we went to a Thai restaurant(and the only thing i know about in Thailand is PAULA TAYLOR, and Natasha Monks--amazing race Asia contestants.)then we went here--her friend's house--because i will be staying here throughout my stay here. then we went to her place, then to another friend's place, then to a mall where we ate dinner and watched a MOVIE...

MOVIE--i was asleep during the first part of the movie. it wasn't because of jet lag or something, i think it's the total lack of sleep. the movie started 11:30 PM. a few minutes after i sat, i was off to dreamland. then i was sent back to the real world and i saw that the movie had already started--i didn't even see the trailers. the title of the movie was Taken. it's an action/thriller movie.

we went home after the movie. we got home around 2 am and by 3 am i was off again to dreamland.

we went to another mall. it's called the Villaggio. it's a cool mall. it's like a kingdom. they also have this man-made river where you can ride a boat. maybe i'll try that next time we go there.

we only did two things there: Shop and Eat

i am already on my third day here. i'm kinda stuck here because my sister is in the office right now so i'm here making a semi-long blog post which i haven't done in a looooooong time. we'll go somewhere later. i'm not really sure where.

i haven't seen much of Qatar. honestly the only sites i've seen so far are construction sites. :D but i still have a few more days here, and i'm looking forward to seeing different places.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you ask me, a country stupid enough to spell "Qs" without "Us" is retarded... stupid Qatar...

They should call it "KATAR" or at least "Quatar" with the U...

At least Malaysia spells their name right.