Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Game VS Passion

i watched a bowling tournament a while ago. most, if not all the participants were Filipinos. i think they all know each other.

i wasn't able to watch the entire game because i was busy watching stuff in the Internet and talking to a friend. the main idea of the whole conversation is finding my passion.

it all started will the bowling tournament. i told him everyone was good and he said something about they should because they are passionate about it(something like that). then i realized that after 18 years of existence here on earth, i still haven't found my passion. he said i have until graduation to figure out what my passion is. so i still have three and a half years to figure things out.

there are many things i want to do in my life. but i still don't now what my real passion is.

my friend also said that i still i don't have to worry about it YET!! but if i still fail to figure it out after three years, then i should start worrying. (I'm already worried.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you know perfectly what your passion is.