Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Seminar

i had a great time during the seminar. there were lots of activities, but there were more free time--time to enjoy, have fun, meet new people, bond with the other people, and do whatever you want to do.

the theme of the seminar was survivor, one of my favorite TV shows. :D

it wasn't all fun. we did some work too. plans were presented and evaluations were done.

but the activities were more enjoyable. :D i participated in most of the activities. i really enjoyed the eating challenge. each team had 8 members. five members must eat three bananas without using their hands. two will eat a whole pack of ChocNut. the last person must drink 1.5L of water. i was one of the two who ate ChocNut. i think i did pretty good there.

i also got to take home the "tribe" flag that we did. (i really didn't do much to the flag but i got it anyway. haha)

we also did the spider web game. each person must go to the other side of the web without touching the stings. it was difficult, but still fun. the objective of the activity was to promote team work. we were all able to cross and we successfully finished the challenge.

we also played different card games. i learned one new game and it was weird. "play to learn"--that's what they told me. there are rules to this game--they just didn't tell me. i had to play to find out what the rules are. it's very interesting.

i also invented a new sport there. it's the water soccer. we played soccer while on the pool. the ball floats on water, so we tried to play soccer there. it was a crazy idea but i had fun.

i even learned new stuff there.

the seminar was a fun, exciting experience for me.


Anonymous said...

i do these stuff everyday

Anonymous said...

what that is so cool. I wish i was at the seminar

Anonymous said...

that was so fun to read

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

find any good fishes lately?

Anonymous said...

dota dota dota dota dota