Saturday, November 24, 2007

Aspiring Writer

it's a Saturday, the day after the periodical exams. i spent the day lying on the bed.

i am also enjoying the chocolates here.

i am learning new things now. and i just had a crazy idea.

i have been thinking of it and coming up with different ideas. however, i think i will start doing it.

when i was young, i liked writing things. and now, for some reason, i want to write again. and i already have lots of ideas. i even have the titles already(looking/making titles really take time, for me at least). i really find it hard to find the right title.

knowing myself, this attempt may not be successful. the time will come that i will be too lazy to continue this. i think i am just a little excited of this new found interest(not really new found, but who cares). other things will come up, and i may forget everything about this excitement. but there's also a chance that it will be successful. this blog is still active. i think it says something--i can stick to something. as i mentioned before, before creating this account, the most successful(it wasn't a success, but let's call it that way anyway), account i had lasted only two weeks. but this account is already on it's fourth month. so yes, there is a chance that the attempt will be a success.

whatever happens, i will still try. it's just for fun anyway. a past-time. something i will do in case i don't have anything else to do. or if i am in the right mood.

i am not really counting on it but i think i will give it a try.


Anonymous said...

keep writing. you could turn it into a career someday. you have a knack for coming up with the right words for the right moments. almost like me. *wink*

don't stop doing things just for fun/ the heck of it. once you stop doing things just coz you want to, you'll start being exactly like those.. whaddaya call them.. "adults," who only focus on "matters of consequence."

Anonymous said...

Uy! may short story writing tayo this term, show me what you got!
(parang magaling naman ako...)