Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Different Topic

This is my third post today.

2 days ago, i was surfing the Internet when i found a page about suicide. an actress in one country decided to commit suicide. in my point of view, she was at the peak of her chosen career when she decided to take her own life. it was said that the reason was depression.

then i became interested about the topic.

then i stumbled to another page about another actress who committed suicide. it was also due to depression. the actress was also from the same country. and she was also one of the famous actresses in her country. but aside from these, there was another common factor. it may be a sheer coincidence(and i think it really is) but it was creepy anyway. i won't mention it anymore.

then on another page, i found out about the death of an actor from a different country. and when he committed suicide, someone was with him in the same room. but that person failed to prevent him from killing himself.

and then i thought, "how can these people just end their lives like that?" i know they have their personal reasons, and i have no right to question them. i have no idea of what they went through.

one of my greatest fears(if not the greatest) is death. maybe this is the reason why i feel somewhat uncomfortable reading all these articles(but yes i continued reading anyway).

this post is kind of sad, disturbing for some, or even depressing for other people.

i also feel depressed. i also go through hard times. in fact, all of us do. we experience difficult times. it is up to us how we will react to these situations. and i firmly believe life is a gift.

as of this moment, i still don't know if i will publish this post. but i think i will publish it.

i just want to make something clear, i don't judge these people. i have no intention to make anyone feel awkward or something.

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