Saturday, November 10, 2007

Very _________

Dinner part 2

after eating dinner, my father asked our maid to buy food for me. so technically, that was my seconed dinner. i am already gaining too much weight. i need to burn these things. when i told a classmate of mine about this, he said that i should be thankful since i am able to eat. there are people who don't have anything to eat. but i also think that eating to much is the right way to show one's appreciation towards food.


i visited one blog and i really liked one post there. it's about people wanting certain things while others try to not have the same things. for example, white people want to be tan, while tan people want to be white. there were some quotes that she wrote in that post. one was, "you always want what you can't have." another one was, "you can't have it all."

after reading this post, i read the comments. and Oprah said(according to the comment i read), "you can have it all, you just cannot have it all at once."

it's just a matter of perspective. and we must learn to appreciate all the things we have.


Palig is a tradition in our school. it's where all students of high school work on different things. for first year they have their sabayang pagbigkas(choral recital??not sure how it' transalted in english. haha) for second year, they have their dulang panradyo(radio play). for third year students, they have their dulang pangtanghalan(play) and for seniors, we have documentaries. our group(i didn't do a lot of things for our group but it's my group anyway. haha!!!) made it to the finals. and a while ago, we won first place. YEHEY!! i admit that i wasn't much of a help, but at least we landed first in the Palig.


i just realized that i need to do A LOT of things. SCHOOL RELATED THINGS. i am now looking forward to our christmas break. our sem break just ended but i want to have a vacation anyway.

and 2 weeks from now, we will have our periodical exams. i need to do everything i can to make my grades better.


i am now doing another song for another music performance. i am only making the lyrics of the song.

Mr. Payaso

a classmate of mine composed a song entitled, "Mr. Payaso". for non-filipino viewers(if there's any) payaso means clown. i like the song.

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