Friday, November 2, 2007

My Thoughts, and Feelings, etc

i have been having problems logging in here. i am having a hard time posting. WHAT'S HAPPENING??????????

a classmate planned a "practice" today. but all we did was play, eat and fool around. we didn't do anything related to the project. this situation is not new anymore. this has been the way ever since. i think i will be more surprised if we did something related to our project.

i just realized that i would soon be leaving this paradise. it's already Friday(truth is, it's already 1:30 am,Saturday). sem break will end soon. i am not yet ready to wake up early again. attend classes. or do anything related to school. i am very comfortable now. i wish this weekend will not yet end. i am still enjoying this vacation. i am sure that i will be busy again.

there are a lot of things going on my mind right now. so many that i don't know what to feel. i don't like this feeling. i guess i am thinking too much.

after the "PRACTICE"(if one can call it a practice), i walked all the way to the station. i didn't go there directly. i wanted to take a long walk. i decided to pass through different places. i liked the walk.

i wish i had the power to clear my mind even for just a day. or even for just an hour. i am getting tired of thinking about different things. it seems like i worry too much.

i never had dreams--meaning what i want to become in the future, what i want to do, etc. but now, there are a lot of ideas in my mind. there are now a lot of things that i want to do. MOST of them(if not all of them) are UNREACHABLE. i know these things will never happen, but i am enjoying the thought of these ideas.

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