Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bad Day, Good Day

Round The Clock


6:20 - I woke up late. i wanted to wake up early since i had things to do.

7:00 - (estimated time) I left the house. it was raining. i had 3 bags and i have to carry an umbrella. i decided to ride a cab but i can't find any.

8:00 - (estimated time) after 1 hour, i decided to just ride the LRT(it's like the subway here)

skip some parts

8:50 - i finally arrived in school. 1 hour five minutes late. 10 minutes before the end of the first subject. but i still had to get a late slip. and because of the rain, my pants got wet. good thing the prefect allowed me to change my clothes. i wore my PE uniform.

8:55 - 5 minutes before the end of the first period. i entered the classroom. upon entering, all my classmates looked at me, wondering why i was wearing my PE uniform and shocked since i came in 5 minutes before the end of the first period. when i reached my seat, i found out that i had no chair. the teacher couldn't continue his lesson beacuse of me. he just asked me to sit on the platform in front of the room so that he could continue with his lesson.

9:00 - we had a 5 minute break. i went to the covered courts to look for a chair.

10:40 - we had a test. i got one mistake because of carelessness. i knew the answer but i wrote another letter.

1:20 - (estimated time) my english teacher returned some tests. when she called my name, i got up, but i almost fell because i tripped- i tied my chair to my table, and because of this i tripped.

4:00 - (estimated time) i bought food-McDonalds. i ordered quarter pounder meal with sundae. it was a take out order. i took the food and went to a computer shop to play games with my classmates. while playing, i decided to eat the sundae. however i found out that there was no spoon in the plastic bag. i had to run again and get a spoon from McDonalds.

i will stop here.


9:25 - we had a test in Math. i think i did well on that test.

11:15 - it's judgment day. it was the time to test our balloon-powered race cars. to get a perfect score, the car must travel at least 5 meters(yes, the rules changed). my car was able to travel 8 meters--someone blocked my car so it stopped. but i still get a perfect score.

notice that there are only 2 things written under GOOD DAY. i hope next time, there will be more things written under GOOD DAY than BAD DAY.

but as kristoff(topher) said, think positive. (not the exact words, but the same meaning)

maybe, it's really a matter of perspective.


Anonymous said...

Kawawa ka naman. Isang oras naghihintay sa Ulan. Sino si Topher? sabihin mo sa kanya na agree ako sa kanya, Thinking positive lang katapat ng lahat ng problema. Stay Positive for me. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Uy! ang galing, ang tagal na ng blog mo! hahaha. First time palang ako magcomment, sorry, ha. Anyway, nung pumasok ka, nagtext ako sa iyo ng, "papasok ka pa ba?" tapos, tinuro ka ni Topher sa akin sa may pintuan. hahaha. wala lang, nakakaaliw. I-dagdag mo sa blog mo, "I am thankful for my soaked uniform, because it means i can afford one."

Anonymous said...

wow, sikat na me..

it's about time.


ayus-ayusin mo nga buhay mo, ginugulo mo buhay ko. positivity attracts positive things, positive people, positive situations, positive outcomes. THAT is how one succeeds in life!



Anonymous said...

i feel for you dude.

nattrace kaya ip ko

Anonymous said...

uy blog!